20 nov 2006

No coment: Global education, Spain is different

Education for the new economy: country ranking maps

Research from the World Economic Forum that ranked 125 countries according to their preparedness for the new economy shows that poorer countries often scoring higher than their wealthier counterparts. For example, China, Tunisia and Barbardos score higher than the UK for overall education system, while Benin ranks higher than Spain and Portugal for maths and science. Our maps show where each country falls in the WEF’s rankings.
Launch the full-sized Education map (opens in new window)
Launch the full-sized Maths and Science map

62 Kuwait 3.5
63 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.5
64 Uganda 3.4
65 Mauritius 3.4
66 El Salvador 3.4
67 Spain 3.4
68 Jamaica 3.4
69 Moldova 3.4
70 Sri Lanka 3.3
71 Nigeria 3.3
72 Italy 3.3
73 Turkey 3.2
74 Pakistan 3.2

Ask the expert: Global education

A recent OECD report on education for the new economy found many EU countries were way down the list for basic maths skills amongst 15-year-olds.
The report’s author, Andreas Schleicher, predicts “tomorrow’s high-skilled jobs in innovation and R&D will be relocated in Asia unless the EU and US make significant progress.” See where your country ranks on our maps based on World Economic and OECD data. Read coverage from our Education Correspondent, John Boone, and case studies of secondary education in the UK, the US, the two top-ranked countries: Singapore and Finland.

May be difficult (easy) to understand but is the education reality in Spain.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Vaya, vaya, que escondido te lo tenías, Asi que blogeando desde hace un año y sin decirselo a nadie. me he enterado a través del post de Mikel en Zibereskola. Aurrera!.